i am
iam pretty sure there should be a melody and some incidentals in first part

12:27 5/25/2022 i want 2 quit everything so hard T-T
NO com on thius is when everone wants to quit.
Use home to move keybord posistion to begging on line, end to move to end of line, and page up/down for top/bottom of page

i have to get groceries later
??? i dont care?¿?
yeahyeah okay. need to make another version of pattern 5
, that will go into new version of pattern 1

13:15 5/25/2022 nothing yet
GIVE ME a minute

13:31 5/25/2022
hey listen to this

*cocking gun*

13:48 5/25/2022
chords are like tritoney type movement idk there isn't any polyphony really
19:11 5/25/2022
i just want to be eating right nowr
just do it later.
pattern 7 needs some help we'll start there
19:11 5/25/2022
19:28 5/25/2022 there's tornado warning
9:20 PM 5/25/2022
9:39 PM 5/25/2022
rendering now

this needs work but we're at a good stopping point for today we'll take another break and switch over to visuals for a minute